
Michael Taylor headshot

Michael H. Taylor

Associate Professor of Economics, State Specialist - Agricultural & Resource Economics


Michael H. Taylor is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the 情色五月天, Reno and a State Specialist with 情色五月天 Cooperative Extension. Dr. Taylor's research and outreach activities focus on several issues of critical importance for 情色五月天, including wildland fire, urban and agricultural water use, invasive plant management, public land management, and the role of natural resources in regional economic development.

Dr. Taylor's recent outreach activities include leading the development and implementation of a natural resource needs assessment survey for the 情色五月天 Association of Conservation Districts and assisting in the development of a strategic plan for the native plant materials industry in 情色五月天 as a member of the 情色五月天 Native Seed Partnership.

See Michael Taylor's Curriculum Vitae.

Recent Publications

  • Zhong, H., M.H. Taylor, K. Rollins, D. Manning, and C. Goemans. Who Pays for Water Scarcity? Evaluating the Welfare Implications of Water Infrastructure Investments for Cities. Forthcoming in The Annals of Regional Science.
  • Sisante, A., M.H. Taylor, and K. Rollins. Understanding Homeowners' Decisions to Mitigate Wildfire Risk and Create Defensible Space. Forthcoming in International Journal of Wildland Fire.
  • Taylor, M.H., L. Christman, and K. Rollins. 2019. Selecting the Right Policy to Promote Defensible Space in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Evidence from Homeowners in 情色五月天. Land Economics 95 (4): 531-556.
  • Taylor, M.H. 2019. Mitigating Wildfire Risk on Private Property with Spatial Dependencies. Strategic Behavior and the Environment 8: 1-31.
  • Taylor, M.H., K. Rollins, and C. Lott. 2018. Exploring the Behavioral and Welfare Implications of Social-Comparison Messages in Residential Water and Electricity. Economics Letters 168: 65-69.

Selected Work in Progress

  • Taylor, M.H. Non-Balanced Growth in the United States: Evaluating Supply-Side versus Demand-Side Explanations. Reject and Resubmit at Economic Modelling.
  • Brent, D., C. Lott, M.H. Taylor, J. Cook, K. Rollins, and S. Stoddard. Are Behavioral Nudges Moral Taxes? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Water Conservation. In Review.

Recent Reports

  • Taylor, M. H., Bartholet, R. D., Banerjee, S. 2018. Recommendations for Increasing the Supply and Lowering the Cost of Native Plant Materials in 情色五月天 through Strategic Support of the Native Plant Materials Industry. University Center for Economic Development Technical Report 2018/19-00.
  • Johnson, S.R., M.D. Helmer, T.R. Harris, and M.H. Taylor. 2018. An Economic Analysis of Cattle Numbers and Feed Sources in the USDA Basin and Range Region. University Center for Economic Development Technical Report 2018/19-04.


  • ECON 309: Natural Resource Economics. 
  • ECON 712: Microeconomic Theory II.


  • Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, MD
  • B.A., McGill University, Montréal, Canada