Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìns honored by the University

Four individuals recognized with the most prestigious award by the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì System of Higher Education Board of Regents

Margaret Cavin stands on the spring commencement stage alongside Brian Sandoval and Regent Del Carlo.

Living recipients of the Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìn award were honored during the spring commencement ceremonies.

Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìns honored by the University

Four individuals recognized with the most prestigious award by the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì System of Higher Education Board of Regents

Living recipients of the Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìn award were honored during the spring commencement ceremonies.

Margaret Cavin stands on the spring commencement stage alongside Brian Sandoval and Regent Del Carlo.

Living recipients of the Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìn award were honored during the spring commencement ceremonies.

The ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì, Reno honored four Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìns on May 17 during Spring Commencement. Business leader Margaret Cavin, longtime Western ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì College faculty member Doris Dwyer, late ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì System of Higher Education Board of Regents member Jason Geddes, and University Studies Abroad Consortium founder Carmelo Urza were all honored during the ceremony.

The Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìn represents the most prestigious award conferred by the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì System of Higher Education Board of Regents. It is bestowed upon prominent individuals who have made significant achievements that have contributed to the cultural, economic, scientific or social advancement of ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì and its people; or for exceptional service to the state or nation that has influenced constructively the well-being of humankind.

2024’s Distinguished ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìns honored by the University are:

Margaret Cavin

Margaret Cavin headshot.

Margaret Cavin, a lifelong ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìn, is recognized as a distinguished figure in both the construction industry and the community. As a partner in J&J Mechanical since its founding in 1982, she has overseen the installation of mechanical systems in numerous schools, government buildings, and properties throughout Northern ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì. She was appointed to the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì State Contractors Board in 2000 and has continuously served under multiple governors. Additionally, she co-founded the non-profit organization Friends of ACE High School (FACE), which has raised over $1 million to support ACE High School. In 1996, Cavin made history as the first female president of the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì Chapter of the Associated General Contractors (AGC). Her contributions to education include her involvement in establishing the Post Baccalaureate program in Construction Management at the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì, Reno, as well as her company’s role in the construction of several buildings on the University campus, including the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì Living Learning Community, the Pennington Student Achievement Center, Great Basin Hall, and several others.

Doris Dwyer

Doris Dwyer.

Doris Dwyer has dedicated her life to serving others in Churchill County and throughout ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì. As a professor at Western ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì Community College for more than 35 years, she pioneered distance learning methods to ensure education accessibility for rural students. Her commitment to education extended well beyond the classroom. She played a key role in establishing Native American history courses and received numerous teaching awards for her expertise. Outside academia, she has served on various boards including the Churchill County Library and Museum boards and is active in organizations providing scholarships to local students. Her contributions have been recognized with awards such as Community Woman of the Year. On a statewide and national level, Dwyer has represented ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì on historical committees, ensuring the state had a voice in important issues.

Jason Geddes

Jason Geddes.

Jason Geddes, a ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì, Reno graduate and former ASUN president, served the people of ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì throughout a distinguished career that included a term in the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì State Assembly and then 16 years as a member of the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents. Of his 10 jobs stretching over 40 years in the workforce, seven of them were working in the service of the people of ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì with the majority of them in green and sustainable fields that were focused on improving the health and quality of life of the residents of Washoe County and the State of ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì. He was a lifelong ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìn, born in Winnemucca, attending elementary school in Gabbs, before graduating from Traner Middle School and Sparks High School. His research as a student at the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì, Reno brought about legislation to prevent toxic spills in ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì. In his words and actions, in his personal and professional lives, Jason Geddes has been recognized by many as “ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì personified.”

Carmelo Urza

Carmelo Urza.

Carmelo Urza, whose career at the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì, Reno has changed the lives of young ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌìns and college students across the world, is the founder of the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC). Established in 1983, USAC originated from an informal exchange between the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì, Reno, and the University of the Basque Country. Under Urza’s leadership, USAC has grown to offer more than 50 programs in 25 countries, providing immersive experiences that foster global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding. His vision and dedication have enabled more than 10,000 students to participate in USAC programs, with a significant number hailing from ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì institutions. He has championed collaboration within the ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì System of Higher Education (NSHE) and encouraged early exposure to study abroad opportunities in high schools. His legacy continues to enhance the reputation of ÇéÉ«ÎåÔÂÌì’s higher education system and promote the interconnectedness of the world through academic exchanges.

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