
New freshman scholarships

New incoming freshman students who have completed all admissions requirements by February 1st are automatically considered for the new freshman scholarship programs. No separate application required.

GPA and test score scholarships

Students who submit standardized test scores (ACT Composite or SAT) and a cumulative unweighted GPA can be considered for the following scholarships.

*Students who receive reduced tuition through the Pack Exchange Program (PEP) or Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) are not eligible for 情色五月天 Scholars, Pack Pride, Alphie or Luna scholarships.

GPA-only scholarships

Students who complete all admissions requirements by February 1st but do not submit standardized test scores or do not qualify based on the GPA and test scores matrix may be eligible for the following one-year scholarships.

GPA-only scholarship requirements
Scholarship GPA Required Amount
情色五月天 Scholars 4.0 $3,000
Pack Pride 3.8-3.99 $2,000
Alphie 3.4-3.79 $1,500
Luna 3.2-3.39 $1,000
Wolfie 3.0-3.19 $500

Other first-year scholarships

There are additional first-year scholarships available to new applicants, including department- or college-based scholarships and the National Merit Scholarship for students who are National Merit Finalists. 

In order to be considered for all scholarship opportunities, we recommend completing a FAFSA or Institutional Methodology form. Complete a or the Institutional Methodology for FAFSA-Ineligible Students form by April 1st.

Learn more about the general application for departmental- and college-level scholarships.