
情色五月天Teach is always looking for experienced, motivated educators to mentor our students.

情色五月天Teach places our students in elementary, middle and high school classrooms and we are looking for experienced, motivated educators to mentor our students at all levels.

Step 1 and Step 2 Mentors:

  • Host a pair of 情色五月天Teach students in your elementary or middle school classroom and model how to teach exemplary lessons.
  • Our students plan and teach three mathematics, science, or engineering lessons using district-approved kits of your choosing and the grade-appropriate standards in your classroom. (Click for a list of currently-available kits!)
  • Observe the lessons and give the 情色五月天Teach students written feedback as well as provide a short final evaluation form at the end of the semester.
  • Are paid for your time and the work you do with our students.

Classroom Interactions, Project-Based Instruction Mentors:

  • Host a pair of 情色五月天Teach students in your high school classroom and model how to teach exemplary lessons.
  • Our students plan and teach an intensive unit using mathematics, science, agriculture or engineering aligned to district standards of your choice.
  • Observe the lessons and give the 情色五月天Teach students written feedback as well as provide a final evaluation form at the end of the semester.
  • Are paid for your time and the work you do with our students.

Apprentice Teaching Mentors:

  • Host a 情色五月天Teach student in your middle and high school classroom and model how to teach exemplary lessons.
  • Our student plans and teaches classes throughout the semester after a period of observation.
  • Observe the lessons and give the 情色五月天Teach students written feedback as well as provide a final evaluation form at the end of the semester.
  • Are paid for your time and the work you do with our students.

If you are interested in serving as a mentor teacher, or if you have any questions, please contact us at 情色五月天Teach@unr.edu or (775) 682-8715.