
Adding video from My Media to a content page

Video from My Media can easily be added to a Content Page in WebCampus. You can add the video along with other content (i.e. text, images) or by itself.

Embedding a My Media video onto a content page

You can easily embed a video from your My Media onto a new or existing content page.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Log in to and browse to your course.

Step 2: Click on Pages in the left-hand course menu.

Step 3: Click the View All Pages button.

Step 4: Click on the title of the Page where you would like to add the video or click the +Page button to add a new page.

Step 5: For an existing page, click the Edit button. (For new pages, go to step 6).

Step 6: Enter the title for the page and any additional text in the text editor.

Step 7: Click the Embed My Media content icon on the text editor tool bar to add your video.

Screen clipping of the Content Page edit page. The Rich Text Editor is shown with the Embed Media option.
[Figure 1] Screen clipping of the Content Page edit page. The Rich Text Editor is shown with the "Embed Kaltura Media" option.

Step 8: In the window that opens, select existing content in your My Media by clicking the Select button adjacent to the video or upload a new video by clicking the + Add New button.

Step 9: The video will embed in the text editor.

Step 10: Click the Save button to save your work or click the Save & Publish button to save your work and make the page available to your students.