
Adding video to discussion posts

Embedding video in discussion posts in WebCampus

Learn how to include video clips in your discussion board posts using the My Media interface.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Login in to WebCampus.

Step 2: Browse to the Discussion in your WebCampus course.

Step 3: Click Reply to create your post.

WebCampus Discussion interface. The “Embed My Media content” tool is circled on the rich text editor toolbar
[Figure 1] Screenshot of the WebCampus Discussion interface. The “Embed My Media content” tool is circled on the rich text editor toolbar.

Step 4: In the area that expands, click the Embed Kaltura Media icon in the Text Editor.

Step 5: In the window that opens, either select one of the videos you have already uploaded by clicking Select adjacent to the video or click the Add New drop-down menu and select Media Upload to add a new file, or Kaltura Capture to create a new video. For the purposes of these instructions we will add a new video file.

Step 6: In the Upload Media window, click Choose a file to upload.

Step 7: Browse to the file you would like to upload from your computer and click Open.

Step 8: When you return to the Upload Media interface, you have the option to update the Name of the video and add a Description and/or Tags to the video.

The “Embed My Media content – Upload Media” interface. An arrow is pointing to the Save and Embed button.
[Figure 2] Screenshot of the “Embed My Media content – Upload Media” interface. An arrow is pointing to the Save and Embed button.

Step 9: Click Save and Embed to embed the video in your post.