
Class Listing

Component overview

The Class Listing Component uses a .xml file to generate a listing of classes by term, student type, and subject.

Example #1

Example Class Listing Component utilizing an external file.

Online Class Listings

The 情色五月天, Reno offers a variety of online classes during the spring, summer, and fall terms.

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Class List Results

CRJ 106 - Intro to Corrections

History and analysis of development in corrections, recent innovations and future correctional systems structure and programs.

History and analysis of development in corrections, recent innovations and future correctional systems structure and programs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82078 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lauren Anderson

CRJ 211 - Police in America

Critical analysis of historical development, roles, socialization and problems of police work.

Critical analysis of historical development, roles, socialization and problems of police work.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82075 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Emmanuel Barthe

CRJ 234 - Intro Courts & Amer Legal Syst

Introduction to the role and organization of the judicial branch of government, its central actors, and processes.

Introduction to the role and organization of the judicial branch of government, its central actors, and processes.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82071 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Joshua Ozymy

CRJ 301 - Research Meth Crim Jus

Techniques commonly utilized in criminal justice research, emphasis on research design, methods of data collection, measurement of variables, and validity and reliability. Open to criminal justice majors only.

Techniques commonly utilized in criminal justice research, emphasis on research design, methods of data collection, measurement of variables, and validity and reliability. Open to criminal justice majors only.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91211 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) David Andrews

CRJ 420 - Jurisprudence

Problems of legal theory from the analytical, philosophical and sociological points of view. Particular attention to modern theories of law. (CRJ 420 and PSC 409K are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Problems of legal theory from the analytical, philosophical and sociological points of view. Particular attention to modern theories of law. (CRJ 420 and PSC 409K are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82074 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mia Holbrook

CRJ 430 - Juvenile Justice

An in depth analysis of the history of the juvenile justice system; the processing and treatment of juveniles; and issues of disparate treatment and challenges faced by the system.

An in depth analysis of the history of the juvenile justice system; the processing and treatment of juveniles; and issues of disparate treatment and challenges faced by the system.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91115 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ali Banister

CRJ 451 - Crim Justice Colloquium

Intense examination of contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system.

Intense examination of contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82047 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Emily Berthelot
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82047 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Audrey Cerfoglio

CRJ 780 - Homeland Security

Provides a multidisciplinary overview of homeland security. Examines issues of public policy, public administration, law, criminal justice, information technology, psychological, social and behavioral aspects of terrorism and homeland security.

Provides a multidisciplinary overview of homeland security. Examines issues of public policy, public administration, law, criminal justice, information technology, psychological, social and behavioral aspects of terrorism and homeland security.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88185 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ronald Glensor

Your search has found 8 total results