
Class Listing

Component overview

The Class Listing Component uses a .xml file to generate a listing of classes by term, student type, and subject.

Example #1

Example Class Listing Component utilizing an external file.

Online Class Listings

The 情色五月天, Reno offers a variety of online classes during the spring, summer, and fall terms.

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Class List Results

ITLD 410 - Foundation of IT & Lrning Dsgn

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90833 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

ITLD 412 - Methods Info Teaching

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80393 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wenzhen Li

ITLD 413 - Digital Comm & Social Lrning

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80421 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Li-Ting Chen

ITLD 610 - Foundation of IT & Lrning Dsgn

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90834 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

ITLD 612 - Methods Info Tech in Teaching

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86455 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wenzhen Li

ITLD 613 - Digital Comm & Social Lrning

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86499 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Li-Ting Chen

ITLD 710 - Ind Study Ed Psy

Independent research in an appropriate area of educational psychology. Maximum of 6 credits.

Independent research in an appropriate area of educational psychology. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86652 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

ITLD 720 - Inst Design Theory & Appli

Contemporary theories, models, and procedures of instructional design in technology based learning, teaching, and training, and the design principles in developing educational digital applications.

Contemporary theories, models, and procedures of instructional design in technology based learning, teaching, and training, and the design principles in developing educational digital applications.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90838 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Weinert

Your search has found 8 total results